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by jnconradie
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17-OCT-2009 jnconradie

1st Place
by jnconradie

Centurion, South Africa

(borrowed camera)

other sizes: small medium original auto
Squared C09-Jan-2016 01:06
This is just excellent!
jnconradie26-Oct-2009 05:32
Thanks, shu... your comment noted and understood. You are definitely not alone in your preference of the unedited version. Kind regards Nico
Canon DSLR Challenge26-Oct-2009 04:06
I just posted a comment in "pending," Nico. shu
jnconradie23-Oct-2009 10:56
Thanks, Michael. Kind regards Nico
Guest 22-Oct-2009 23:14
I too prefer this edited version. The textures are much more exciting. Well done. -Michael
jnconradie21-Oct-2009 04:58
Thanks, Lydia. :-)
Canon DSLR Challenge19-Oct-2009 18:05
I like them both, Nico! But, I prefer this one...the textures are wonderful. !Lydia
jnconradie19-Oct-2009 11:14
Thanks, Mary Anne. Thanks, Sharon.
Canon DSLR Challenge19-Oct-2009 03:36
You did an excellent job on this, Nico. The perfect processing for the textures and great color rendition as well. It's wonderful! ~Sharon
Canon DSLR Challenge18-Oct-2009 20:10
I like both versions, Nico, but I think I prefer this one because it is more tactile, which seems more consistent with the textures. The other one is nice in a more...ethereal?...sort of way. Well seen and captured.
--Mary Anne
jnconradie18-Oct-2009 18:07
Thanks for the various comments.

Pops, fair question and one I have kind-of been expecting. I posted the straight-from-camera version in Pending, plus some comments as to the editing. (Some people told me I should have stuck to the original, but I like the more contrasty version.) Kind regards Nico
Guest 18-Oct-2009 16:51
This is great. But I have to ask, is there some photoshop going on here? I can fully believe a yes or a no answer. And even if this is a PS image it doesn't diminish a bit how good it is.
Canon DSLR Challenge18-Oct-2009 11:27
very cool.
Canon DSLR Challenge17-Oct-2009 23:21
Unbelievable.... terrific... ! Penny Street
Kinga Chwalkowska Zadlak17-Oct-2009 18:24
SUPEEERB!!! ;~}}}