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White Crayons
by Pops
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20-SEP-2009 Pops

5th Place (tie)
White Crayons
by Pops

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jnconradie02-Oct-2009 06:20
What shu said! Ditto! Well done, Pops. Regards Nico
Guest 01-Oct-2009 14:05
dt, LOL, not only do I have my G2 but I've also got my S300, my first ever digital. I'm saving the S300 for the granddaughter. She'll be ready in a couple of years.

everyone, thanks for the comments.
Canon DSLR Challenge01-Oct-2009 02:36 still have a G2? I sure wish I had mine. I sold it when I got a 10D back when the 10Ds just came out. I like your shot. Elegantly simple! -dtallakson
Canon DSLR Challenge24-Sep-2009 02:10
How can a row of white crayons be so interesting? "Pops is Tops!" LOL shu
Guest 22-Sep-2009 19:49
Thanks. Since Grant Hamilton hasn't posted here for a while I figured I could interlope into his territory. Grant is the master of the SX70 and I think he's using a real SX70 camera. Mine are all faked.
Canon DSLR Challenge21-Sep-2009 23:55
Your faux-SX70 is becoming a trademark. Well done. -tv
Canon DSLR Challenge20-Sep-2009 20:02
Lovely image. Wonderful idea. I like it, Pops! ~Lydia
Guest 20-Sep-2009 17:40
Thanks, Michael.

Well, actually only the SX70 frame is scanned. Since the image of the crayons, shot with a 30d, was added to the frame and then saved the scan's exif got captured. I'll have to remember to do that the other way around next time.

And I almost shot this with my Canon G2 'cause I could. But I didn't.
Guest 20-Sep-2009 17:22
Really nice lighting, the shadows are wonderful. The ever so slightly lower placement of the center crayon is inspired. So I see that this is a scan. Tell us more, is it a scan of a polaroid? Delighted you are playing with the new rule (or new lack of rule, as it were). -Michael