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Clive Moss | profile | all galleries >> Travel Pics >> Eastern Europe - July 2004 >> Decompression -- St. Petersburg >> At the Mariinsky Ballet tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

By Train from Vilnius to St Petersburg | Around St Petersburg - Day 1 | The Hermitage - Day 2 | At the Mariinsky Ballet | Around St. Petersburg - Day 3

At the Mariinsky Ballet

We went to the Ballet. We saw Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev. Absolutely magical. Also, very strange to leave the theatre at 11:30pm and find that it is not yet dark!
The theatre's web site is at
The seats are magnificent
The seats are magnificent
The box at the right of the photo is the Royal Circle
The box at the right of the photo is the Royal Circle
We had a great view of the orchestra from our box
We had a great view of the orchestra from our box