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Clive Moss | profile | all galleries >> Travel Pics >> Eastern Europe - July 2004 >> Decompression -- St. Petersburg >> By Train from Vilnius to St Petersburg tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

By Train from Vilnius to St Petersburg | Around St Petersburg - Day 1 | The Hermitage - Day 2 | At the Mariinsky Ballet | Around St. Petersburg - Day 3

By Train from Vilnius to St Petersburg

Scenes looking out of the train window -- this is why I love trains
u6/chmoss/medium/32741690.2004071412.23.09IMG_7756webbed.jpg Our compartment
Our compartment
Concrete railway sleepers
Concrete railway sleepers
u6/chmoss/medium/32741685.2004071411.01.18DSC_5003webbed.jpg u6/chmoss/medium/32741687.2004071411.38.11DSC_5004webbed.jpg u6/chmoss/medium/32741688.2004071411.38.35DSC_5006webbed.jpg u6/chmoss/medium/32741689.2004071411.50.48DSC_5009webbed.jpg
We passed through Daugavpils again ...
We passed through Daugavpils again ...
... the Soviets called it Dinabourg
... the Soviets called it Dinabourg
u6/chmoss/medium/32741693.2004071412.30.49DSC_5013webbed.jpg Od collction of huts
Od collction of huts
u6/chmoss/medium/32741696.2004071412.52.01DSC_5021webbed.jpg Soviet era apartments
Soviet era apartments
u6/chmoss/medium/32741698.2004071413.02.10DSC_5027webbed.jpg u6/chmoss/medium/32741699.2004071421.45.19IMG_7780webbed.jpg
u6/chmoss/medium/32741700.2004071422.32.00IMG_7786webbed.jpg u6/chmoss/medium/32741701.2004071422.32.53IMG_7788webbed.jpg u6/chmoss/medium/32741702.2004071422.35.40IMG_7789webbed.jpg Commuters look the same everywhere
Commuters look the same everywhere
u6/chmoss/medium/32741704.2004071423.13.21IMG_7793webbed.jpg u6/chmoss/medium/32741705.2004071423.23.05IMG_7795webbed.jpg