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Clive Moss | profile | all galleries >> Travel Pics >> Eastern Europe - July 2004 >> Decompression -- St. Petersburg >> Around St Petersburg - Day 1 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

By Train from Vilnius to St Petersburg | Around St Petersburg - Day 1 | The Hermitage - Day 2 | At the Mariinsky Ballet | Around St. Petersburg - Day 3

Around St Petersburg - Day 1

On our first day, we were met by a guide and a driver, and took our pre-arranged tour. Much to our surprise. Guides and drivers seem to travel in pairs. Even on our rides from the train station and to the airport the driver was accompanied by a tour guide -- possibly a hangover from the Soviet Intourist era?
I tried to omit most of the standard postcard pictures. Others do them better.
Hilda and Our Guide
Hilda and Our Guide
u6/chmoss/medium/32741706.2004071423.50.19IMG_7800webbed.jpg Pointed Pixie shoes are in fashion
Pointed Pixie shoes are in fashion
u6/chmoss/medium/32741711.2004071502.47.02DSC_5037webbed.jpg Wedding parties were at all the scenic spots
Wedding parties were at all the scenic spots
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The Synagogue In St. Petersburg
< The Synagogue In St. Petersburg >