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Liz Bickel | all galleries >> My World: Multiple Galleries >> Missouri Mabel and Her Brood > Looking at Me 2-20-24
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20-Feb-2024 copyright Elizabeth Bickel

Looking at Me 2-20-24


Our resident groundhogs were first spotted by me on Groundhog Day. However, I can't say for sure how long the groundhogs have actually been awake in 2024. Bella had indicated, back in late January, that there were "critters under her deck".

The above female (and two other groundhogs that spent the Winter together with her in a burrow under our back deck) have not gone back into hibernation. They are obviously out to stay for Spring, even though we're still in Wintertime. Climate Change has been changing wildlife behavior.

Although the other two groundhogs are a little shyer, I now see Maude every day, often very close like this. She will look me straight in the eye & still be very much at ease. Although they are wild creatures, I have grown fond of our resident groundhogs & really do enjoy seeing them go about their business.

That is just as long as their business doesn't get out of control as it did with cheeky Lumpy last Summer. I've only seen Lumpy once so far this year: Although he didn't winter with his relatives under our back deck, he has been back to the family woodpile. Although he was a "problem child" last year, I was happy to see that he survived the Winter, Maude and at least 3 of her pups from last year are still doing well.

Nikon COOLPIX P950
1/320s f/6.5 at 357.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Hank Vander Velde16-Aug-2024 19:52
Nice portrait of Maude looking for a handout.
Don Mottershead16-Aug-2024 16:27
Maude is looking at her resident human.
Tom Munson16-Aug-2024 15:42
Sweet capture and sharp!
Helen Betts16-Aug-2024 15:27
I must say Maude is pretty cute!
Danad16-Aug-2024 14:39
Great sharp portrait !
joseantonio16-Aug-2024 06:38
lovely closeup portrait.V.