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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Murals, Sculptures, Urban Art.... >> Salvador's Art Truck >
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Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/100s f/8.0 at 24.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
larose forest photos31-Jul-2024 00:11
The creativity is astonishing, and the time it must take to do this!!! V
bill friedlander30-Jul-2024 14:45
So carefully planned out. V
Danad30-Jul-2024 13:23
Just incredible !
Carl Carbone30-Jul-2024 12:47
What a work of art. Very nice capture.
Pierre30-Jul-2024 11:29
Vraiment impressionnant ce véhicule aux multiples décorations! V
Charlene Ambrose30-Jul-2024 09:16
That is amazing to see! V
joseantonio30-Jul-2024 03:27
so many details here.V.
Dan Opdal30-Jul-2024 01:38
Beautiful in original size! V
Julie Oldfield30-Jul-2024 00:56
Santa captains! Very whimsical. V
Jeremy30-Jul-2024 00:48
That seems to be a window there that is partly covered ... I can imagine the efforts and time that he must have invested to create this. V
Richard Chu29-Jul-2024 23:24
Amazing decoration!
Bryan Murahashi29-Jul-2024 22:55
Beautiful artistry.
Nirvan Hope29-Jul-2024 22:13
Oh, I see some spaces he has yet to fill!
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