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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Murals, Sculptures, Urban Art.... >> Salvador's Art Truck >
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Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/100s f/5.6 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
larose forest photos31-Jul-2024 00:12
Absolutely unique, a creation that must have taken countless hours to plan and execute. Superb close up shot. VV
Julie Oldfield30-Jul-2024 00:57
Fabulously kitschy. V
Nirvan Hope29-Jul-2024 18:54
Mindboggling thinking of the amount of hours that went into creating this
Apostolos Tikopoulos29-Jul-2024 15:49
Outstanding shot, Walter! V
bill friedlander29-Jul-2024 14:56
Unbelievable. V
Danad29-Jul-2024 10:11
A psychedelic collage with an incredible number of details !
Dan Opdal29-Jul-2024 09:37
Beautiful sharp colorful image! V
Richard Chu29-Jul-2024 07:12
Outstanding details beautifully captured! V
joseantonio29-Jul-2024 03:20
not a single place without decoration.V
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