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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Murals, Sculptures, Urban Art.... >> Salvador's Art Truck >
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Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/640s f/5.6 at 45.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Pieter Bos06-Sep-2024 18:48
The birds make this image! ~V
Zoltán Balogh03-Aug-2024 07:51
Outstanding and definitely eye-catching composition. V
Dan Greenberg01-Aug-2024 05:04
This is so cool with the birds flying by. It is a great send off. Now I just have to look at the rest. ~BV~
Julie Oldfield01-Aug-2024 02:45
An awesome send off! V
Marcia Colelli31-Jul-2024 15:53
Wonderful and colorful. Nice work. V
Marcia Rules31-Jul-2024 15:51
A fitting finale! VVV~
Pierre31-Jul-2024 11:35
Une formidable galerie sur un véhicule garni d'une incroyable quantité de décorations! V
Charlene Ambrose31-Jul-2024 08:16
Very cool composition. V
Jeremy31-Jul-2024 01:16
Great composition, shooting the colorful, decorated eagle grabbing the two arrow on Salvador's truck in the centre of the photo against the sky full of birds in flight! Very well seen and captured. VVV!
larose forest photos31-Jul-2024 00:10
Fabulous shot! Quite an adventure exploring this vehicle. VV
Richard Chu30-Jul-2024 23:29
What a timing! Great shot with those birds flying by. V
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte30-Jul-2024 21:33
Interesting capture! Nice photo idea. Wings on the car and in the air....
Pieter Bos30-Jul-2024 21:07
Like the colors and the birds. ~V
Jola Dziubinska30-Jul-2024 21:02
Great POV and all those colorful details. V.
joseantonio30-Jul-2024 18:45
nice timing and capture.V.
Carl Carbone30-Jul-2024 18:02
So cool with the birds!
globalgadabout30-Jul-2024 17:50
good catch, with the flock of birds offering a foil to the prominent eagle of the display..
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