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John Wilde | profile | all galleries >> ENGLAND & WALES 2022 >> Our Second Day in Wales tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Our Second Day in Wales

+ After breakfast on our second day in Wales, June 10, 2022 Conway, our Study Leader, taught us about the Welsh culture and language. Welsh is one of the oldest languages in Europe and is still spoken by many as their first language especially in Northern Wales and Southwestern Wales. In the afternoon we went to the Creuddyn Peninsula. We hopped on a cable car (like San Francisco) in the resort town of LLandudno (pronounce it Sandoodno). We got off the cable car at the Half Way Station and walked to the Great Orme Mine which has been excavated for the past 35 years revealing a bronze age copper mine which has changed our understanding of the ancient hostory of Wales and Europe. It's worth reading about so I am offering a link >

We spent a little time in LLandudno before heading back to Betws-y-Coed. Go to the Betws-y-Coed Gallery >

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