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John Vass | all galleries >> Galleries >> Welcome to My World > Cardigans & Skinny Jeans
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Cardigans & Skinny Jeans

Just seemed an odd thing to see in Farmington, New Mexico.
I did meet all kinds there, mostly nice, but no fashionistas!

Apple iPhone 8 Plus
1/152s f/1.8 at 4.0mm iso20 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
LynnH18-Mar-2019 02:27
Awesome reflection. Juxtaposition of color/BW and indoors/out. V
Mieke WA Minkjan16-Mar-2019 12:56
Fashionistas you find everywhere!
laine14-Mar-2019 21:32
Windows like this may see them become fashionistas...nothing like brainwashing people to have them believe they " must follow fashion "

All that aside it's a great window and reflection.
Neil Marcus14-Mar-2019 13:51
I like it. The real world is being reflected in orange."V"