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John Vass | all galleries >> Galleries >> Welcome to My World > Admonishment
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Admonishment is always the highest form of recommendation!
Downwind of the float where the sea lions haul out
at Citizens Dock in Crescent City.
I am sure the food is okay…

Olympus E-5
1/320s f/3.3 at 123.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
LynnH18-Mar-2019 02:25
A great find. And it looks like they've used crosses in the word starve... Christians beware. V
Mieke WA Minkjan16-Mar-2019 13:05
a demanding sign, hope it works
well seen and captured V
laine16-Mar-2019 10:07
A very witty sign...pity it's not in a rose garden :) V
Wintermeer16-Mar-2019 03:34
A bit direct and rather dry but nontheless nothing but the truth, great find! ~V~