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John Vass | all galleries >> Galleries >> Welcome to My World > The View
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The View

From my rolling living room!
This is when it was on the
“Route 66” channel.
Yep! Six Six on the dial.
Pretty easy to change
just keep driving…
A new adventure will
appear on the horizon.
Better yet…. Stare at a map.
Something will always come up!
There is so much to see.

East of Oatman, AZ - Sitgreaves Pass

Olympus E-3
1/320s f/5.6 at 12.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
LynnH18-Mar-2019 02:28
Nice reflection on the hood. Great pov and appealing open road. V
Gill Kopy14-Mar-2019 01:51
Nice feeling of being on the road and "something will always come up" !!
larose forest photos13-Mar-2019 23:57
That is the beauty of a roadtrip! This cool shot definitely gives the feel of rolling down the road. V
Dennis Hoyne13-Mar-2019 13:54
Cool shot! I love taking photos through the windshield too!
Dan Greenberg13-Mar-2019 03:51
Great shot. I hope you got some donkey pictures. ~V~
laine13-Mar-2019 02:44
Can't say you haven't been warned....I'm sure there's lots to see. V