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Kerry Tingley | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
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Pura Vida- Costa Rican Adventures
:: Pura Vida- Costa Rican Adventures ::
Southern Sweep
:: Southern Sweep ::
Family Faces
:: Family Faces ::
2008 Images as I am able
:: 2008 Images as I am able ::
Trying For  Picture a Day 2006
:: Trying For Picture a Day 2006 ::
Yosemite National Park
:: Yosemite National Park ::
Cascade Civil War Society
:: Cascade Civil War Society ::
Autumn in Siskiyou County
:: Autumn in Siskiyou County ::
Mt Shasta, a sacred mountain
:: Mt Shasta, a sacred mountain ::
A few of my favorites from all of my galleries
:: A few of my favorites from all of my galleries ::
Lava Beds National Monument
:: Lava Beds National Monument ::
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