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Kerry Tingley | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Southern Sweep tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Southern Sweep

On our way to Costa Rica, my sister and I stopped in Atlanta and rented a car. We drove up to North Carolina to see the family in the Asheville area. We had all kinds of interesting experiences, experienced a major wind storm and took very different routes each way. The weather was not so great, but the trip was priceless.
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Mel & Addie at the Biltmore Estates
Mel & Addie at the Biltmore Estates
Mom & Gabe at the Folk Arts Center
Mom & Gabe at the Folk Arts Center
Jason, Sarah & Gabe
Jason, Sarah & Gabe
The story teller
The story teller
Shy Gabe
Shy Gabe
Addie driving
Addie "driving"
Sarah & Mom
Sarah & Mom
Resting on Dad
Resting on Dad
Out for a walk
Out for a walk
On Big sister's shoulders
On Big sister's shoulders
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