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Bill Klipp | profile | all galleries >> Antarctica, South Georgia & the Falklands Islands >> South Georgia, Falkland Islands & South Orkney Island >> The Falkland Islands tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

South Georgia Island by Bill | South Georgia Island by Linda | The Falkland Islands | South Orkney Island by Bill

The Falkland Islands

Photo Expedition to the Falkland Islands

Our journey to Antarctica began at the history and wildlife rich Falkland Islands about 400 miles northeast of Ushuaia, Argentina the southernmost city on earth. The Falkland Islands are made up of 2 main islands with about 700 other smaller islands. The Falklands are located at about the same latitude south as London is north and the weather here is cool, wet and very windy. The population is about 3,000 with about 600,000 sheep.

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The Falkland Islands by Bill
:: The Falkland Islands by Bill ::
The Falkland Islands by Linda
:: The Falkland Islands by Linda ::