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Honolulu zoo

I go to the Honolulu Zoo at least once a week to brush up on my photography skills. In the process I have gotten very, very attached to these beautiful animals.I feel that they and especially their creator Jehovah, deserve the credit for this gallery. I hope you enjoy them.
Update: I now volunteer at the zoo and love it. To learn more about our wonderful animals and the zoo in general you can visit us on the web at Better yet, come visit us, we are just east of Waikiki. Bring your camera and a lot of film or memory cards but please respect the animals. I have seen too many people make loud noises, pound on glass windows or even throw things at the animals to get the animal's attention to take a picture of them. The animals need their rest also and some sleep during the day. Please, just be patient and you will not be disappointed. Thank You.
Wart Hogs
:: Wart Hogs ::
Fennec Fox
:: Fennec Fox ::
Hamadryas Baboon
:: Hamadryas Baboon ::
African Lions
:: African Lions ::
Gunther's Dik-Dik
:: Gunther's Dik-Dik ::
Tiger Enrichment
:: Tiger Enrichment ::
Sumatran Tigers
:: Sumatran Tigers ::
Sumatran Tigers  Two
:: Sumatran Tigers Two ::
Sumatran Tigers  Three
:: Sumatran Tigers Three ::
Chrissies Cubs
:: Chrissies Cubs ::
:: Cheetah ::
:: Serval ::
Black Handed Spider Monkeys
:: Black Handed Spider Monkeys ::
Francois Langur Monkeys
:: Francois Langur Monkeys ::
White Handed Gibbons
:: White Handed Gibbons ::
:: Siamangs ::
::  Lemurs ::
Sun Bears
:: Sun Bears ::
:: Giraffes ::
:: Zebras ::
White Rhino
:: White Rhino ::
Black Rhino
:: Black Rhino ::
:: Chimpanzees ::
:: Meerkats ::
Indian Elephants
:: Indian Elephants ::
Greater Kudu
:: Greater Kudu ::
:: Gharials ::
:: Orangutans ::
Crested Porcupine
:: Crested Porcupine ::
Keiki Zoo Grand Opening
:: Keiki Zoo Grand Opening ::
Various Birds
:: Various Birds ::
Various Reptiles
:: Various Reptiles ::
Two Toed Sloth
:: Two Toed Sloth ::
Cody (Klipspringer)
Cody (Klipspringer)
Sunbathing Turtles
Sunbathing Turtles
African Wild Dog
African Wild Dog
African Spurred Tortoise
African Spurred Tortoise
Zoo Collage
Zoo Collage