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David Mingay | all galleries >> ...Everything Else >> People Pictures > Camera shy
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Camera shy

Jo hates having her photograph taken... screams and shouts at the mere sight of me with my G2. So today I asked, "Jo, can I take your photograph with your hands over your face?" This was the result!

Canon PowerShot G2
1/50s f/2.5 at 21.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 31-May-2009 22:14
great picture :)
Guest 30-Mar-2006 17:47
Great idea, Dave, and well executed! :) Jo!!! Take your hands down! You are beautiful! :)
Chris Brooker15-Oct-2003 16:17
This is so good. Well done.
JD Anderson06-Oct-2003 20:06
This is really fun. I like the play of the light and shadows. Great capture, I'm sure she liked it!!????
JD Anderson
David Mingay30-Sep-2003 09:48
Well, I distracted her from the ironing for this shot... perhaps she's burned my favorite shirt??? :-o
Ray :)29-Sep-2003 20:17
Great One, David. The light and shade works really well here. It looks as if there's something Jo's just about to admit too!
Guest 29-Sep-2003 18:14
Really nice! Did she like the results?