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David Mingay | all galleries >> ...Everything Else >> People Pictures > Me, on the phone
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Me, on the phone

This is me on the phone to Linda, who'd just called from the USA while I was messing about with the camera.

Desaturated, levelled, curved and warmed in PS. Any 'grain' you can is the noise from using ISO 1600 , which I'm getting to like. Much more like film grain than the nasty noise you get on a small sensor camera.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Linda Alstead24-Mar-2004 15:13
I didn't see this one last night - it's wonderful. You have just made my day. Thanks
virginiacoastline24-Mar-2004 14:28
the caption on this should be "Hi, Honey" . .see how my face lights up, looks less tense & aggravated when I'm talking to you??
Guest 23-Mar-2004 20:21
I agree!! These Canon DSLR's do seem to resemble film grain with their higher ISO noise! Love the shot :)