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All Cameras >> Canon >> Canon PowerShot G2

Canon PowerShot G2 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Sep-2001
Megapixels: 4
Random Canon PowerShot G2 Samples from 66664 available Photos more
g6/20/434420/3/78969273.2uakz4MB.jpg u27/anneandrandy/medium/16411606.DanielAmmyShannonCarolineandDarren.jpg g6/65/23065/3/72383357.4khvXmHE.jpg g1/70/69970/3/29812969.kiol5r0J.jpg
u7/ericnoel/medium/31143174.eldoradothetriadhiddenlake.jpg u48/bhill94087/medium/35482849.IMG_0226scrn.jpg g6/88/791988/3/86423519.ygHdTcR7.jpg g5/03/10203/3/68212252.upyDmbD1.jpg
g6/29/507129/3/37590785.w6VNwzM5.jpg g3/27/579527/3/89591551.ebDtr5w8.jpg u35/mosko/medium/22795662.Img_0287copy.jpg g3/19/61619/3/89809147.qWeYk2Cv.jpg

Ernst Sch21-May-2007 13:55
After using this fine camera for more than five years and more than 30'000 shots, I still need no better camera. Why? Because 85% of the pictures on PBase have their quality limited by the person standing behind the camera, and not by the type of camera.
Some examples of the possibilities of this fine camera:
Ernst Sch21-May-2007 13:54
After using this fine camera for more than five years and more than 30'000 shots, I still need no better camera. Why? Because 85% of the pictures on PBase have their quality limited by the person standing behind the camera, and not by the type of camera.
Some examples of the possibilities of this fine camera:
Ed29-Apr-2006 12:14
One of the finest Digital Compacts ever made

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