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A gallery of various loves and creations.
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005 #30 from Panasonic camera back.jpg
005 #30 from Panasonic camera back.jpg
030 Breyer Premier Shire Shannondell M 50th 5.6 ISO 400 sun-y.jpg
030 Breyer Premier Shire Shannondell M 50th 5.6 ISO 400 sun-y.jpg
035 Breyer Premier Shire Shannondell P 125th 5.6  ISO 400 sun-y.jpg
035 Breyer Premier Shire Shannondell P 125th 5.6 ISO 400 sun-y.jpg
Unchained Melody cm Huck Bay
Unchained Melody cm Huck Bay
Arabesque Kalendar Prince
Arabesque Kalendar Prince
Escorpio cm Inolvidable
Escorpio cm Inolvidable
Calico pony foal.jpg
Calico pony foal.jpg
Calico pony foal2.jpg
Calico pony foal2.jpg
Hagen Renaker Maydee pinto pony specialty.jpg
Hagen Renaker Maydee pinto pony specialty.jpg
Hagen Renaker mini calico pinto prancing horse.jpg
Hagen Renaker mini calico pinto prancing horse.jpg
Janis photo setup2.jpg
Janis photo setup2.jpg
sideways light with reflectance.jpg
sideways light with reflectance.jpg
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