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Trotting-horse | all galleries >> Trotting-Horse >> Models > 035 Breyer Premier Shire Shannondell P 125th 5.6 ISO 400 sun-y.jpg
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035 Breyer Premier Shire Shannondell P 125th 5.6 ISO 400 sun-y.jpg

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fotabug10-Sep-2016 06:18
I would be more concerned about bringing the whites under control. They are overexposed, and there is too much contrast. Try the same shot using Neutral Picture Control mode, and highlight blinkies in the viewfinder, to bring exposure and contrast under control.
paplvr10-Sep-2016 01:30
I think I'd start with this one and bring up the shadows a bit. This one has "white with detail" where the 2nd one looses the white detail. They both have pretty good color.
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