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Janis photo setup2.jpg

Here is my little basement corner. I paint here. It is near the sliding
glass doors to the left, but they only give accent color, not much
light. I have an overhead light and my adjustable desk lamp. I have had
the same board for over 20 years. If I put the lamp overhead I get good
light, but if I drop it low to light the eyes, I can get a flare of
reflectance on my backdrop. Even when I order matte enlargements, I get
it. This is a print from Costco that is called luster.

I have a Nikon and I can set the color pretty easily. I can use high ISO
if I want to turn the lamp off and use ambient, but of course that can
make for grain.

These pictures were taken with my Panasonic and it is simple and old and
doesn't have many settings

The truth is you can't always light the eyes outdoors, either, because
you have to wait for low light then. I have to wait for the rain and
wind to go away!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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