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Neighborhood Portraits

A glimpse into time and space in 2005 and beyond in the neighborhood of the Platte Lo Straat and surrounding streets to document its houses and its inhabitants. A look into the daily life of a lively neighborhood, an area which sees a lot of activities, cultures, countries, ages and styles of living. I would like to extend my thanks to Phil Douglis ( )for his help with editing down the number of photos to a manageable number and thus stronger galleries. Phil, your comments are always helpful.
You can find more information on our neighborhood (in Dutch) on
Maria and Calixto's House
:: Maria and Calixto's House ::
Julia's House
:: Julia's House ::
House of Sofie, Geert and kids
:: House of Sofie, Geert and kids ::
House of Linda, Benny, Lotte, Anton and Nina
:: House of Linda, Benny, Lotte, Anton and Nina ::
House of Chantal, Rudi and Kevin
:: House of Chantal, Rudi and Kevin ::
House of Leen and Daughters
:: House of Leen and Daughters ::
House of Leen and Cecilia
:: House of Leen and Cecilia ::
Martin and Josette's House
:: Martin and Josette's House ::
House of the Verbeeckes
:: House of the Verbeeckes ::
Workshop of Lotte Martens
:: Workshop of Lotte Martens ::
House of Christiane and François
:: House of Christiane and François ::
House of the Kaplan Family
:: House of the Kaplan Family ::
House of Coke Clothilde
:: House of "Coke" Clothilde ::
House of Stefan, Liesbeth, Emma and Pieter
:: House of Stefan, Liesbeth, Emma and Pieter ::
House of Lucas, Liesbeth and Aron
:: House of Lucas, Liesbeth and Aron ::
Ingrid and Bob
:: Ingrid and Bob ::
House of Bertha
:: House of Bertha ::
Leonie's House
:: Leonie's House ::
House of Ilse, Theo and Arthur
:: House of Ilse, Theo and Arthur ::
House of Anton, Saskia, Elmo, Mone
:: House of Anton, Saskia, Elmo, Mone ::
House of Bert and Lieve
:: House of Bert and Lieve ::
House of Fre and Annabel
:: House of Fre and Annabel ::
House of Nicole and Nick
:: House of Nicole and Nick ::
:: kneph ::
House of Gerlinde, Sigrid, Janne and Zias
:: House of Gerlinde, Sigrid, Janne and Zias ::
Home of Wouter and Stephan
:: Home of Wouter and Stephan ::
Home of Barbara Beyers
:: Home of Barbara Beyers ::
Home of Steve and Sandra,  Kobe and Luna
:: Home of Steve and Sandra, Kobe and Luna ::