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Topics >> by John Barreiro >> Ödön Lechner

Ödön Lechner Photos
Topic maintained by John Barreiro (see all topics)

The works of Budapest-based architect Ödön Lechner (1845–1914). He was the most prominent of the Hungarian Secession (art nouveau) architects.

The Blue Church - Bratislava, Slovakia
The Blue Church - Bratislava, Slovakia
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Gymnázium Grösslingová 18
Gymnázium Grösslingová 18
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Budapest: Sipeki Balas Villa
Budapest: Sipeki Balas Villa
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Kecskemét's Amazing City Hall (Ödön Lechner)
Kecskemét's Amazing City Hall (Ödön Lechner)
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Budapest: Whimsical Museum of Applied Arts
Budapest: Whimsical Museum of Applied Arts
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Budapest: Postal Savings Bank
Budapest: Postal Savings Bank
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Blue Church - Art Nouveau Highlight in Bratislava,Slovakia
Blue Church - Art Nouveau Highlight in Bratislava,Slovakia
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Wekerle Revisted (site photos for DF)
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