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Charlie King | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Navy - Nuclear - Submarine Training tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Navy - Nuclear - Submarine Training

These are some old scanned snap shots taken from 1969 to 1972 during my Naval training which included: Electronic Technician "A" School, Treasure Island, California; Naval Nuclear Power Training, Bainbridge, Maryland Naval Facility; Nuclear Power Prototype Training, Ballston Spa, New York and Submarine School, Groton, Connecticut. This is pure nostalgia for a very few, select old sailors!
Dolphins - SSBN Deterrent Patrol Insignia
Dolphins - SSBN Deterrent Patrol Insignia
Treasure Island Administration Building - 1969
Treasure Island Administration Building - 1969
Treasure Island old barracks
Treasure Island old barracks
Treasure Island new barracks
Treasure Island new barracks
Treasure Island new barracks
Treasure Island new barracks
Treasure Island new barracks
Treasure Island new barracks
New camera!
New camera!
New Barracks
New Barracks
New Barracks Courtyard
New Barracks Courtyard
Barracks Life
Barracks Life
More Experimental Photography
More Experimental Photography
Typical Navy Portrait
Typical Navy Portrait
North Pier Looking at Oakland
North Pier Looking at Oakland
Medium Harbor Tugs
Medium Harbor Tugs
Another Pier
Another Pier
Pacific Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Diving at the Farallon Islands
Diving at the Farallon Islands
Temporary Duty - USS Sierra
Temporary Duty - USS Sierra
Electronics Work
Electronics Work
Nuclear Power School
Nuclear Power School
USNTC Bainbridge - Swimming Pool
USNTC Bainbridge - Swimming Pool
Boy Scouts at Bainbridge Pool
Boy Scouts at Bainbridge Pool
Cute Civilian Lifeguard
Cute Civilian Lifeguard
West Milton - New York
West Milton - New York
Approach to Prototype Site
Approach to Prototype Site
Newly Minted Reactor Operator
Newly Minted Reactor Operator
Another Move!
Another Move!
George Washington Carver - SSBN-656
George Washington Carver - SSBN-656
Kennedy Space Center
Kennedy Space Center
Dock at Cape Canaveral
Dock at Cape Canaveral
Cocoa Beach, Florida
Cocoa Beach, Florida
Weighing Anchor for Missile Testing
Weighing Anchor for Missile Testing
On Deck at Sea
On Deck at Sea
Berthing Compartment
Berthing Compartment
Awarding of the Dolphins
Awarding of the Dolphins