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Charlie King | all galleries >> Galleries >> Navy - Nuclear - Submarine Training > New camera!
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New camera!

I was an aspiring photographer then, as now! Yashica Electro 35GT.

HP HP pstc3100

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Stewart 24-Apr-2011 00:44
I was stationed at TI in 1965 - the early 70's as a dependent in the Base Housing units on the NW Side of the Island.

I recently purchased an Electro 35 GT in Like New condition and find it a fun camera to use for quick street Photography. How I wish I had one of these back when I was living on TI.

Used to spend a lot of time in the Hobby Shop building Model Airplanes while my Father built a very Large sail Boat that eventually got so large that it had to be moved from the wood shop to the parking lot outside.
What film did you use for this shot ? Thanks for posting the photo!
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