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NGC 6357

NGC 6357 is a diffuse nebula in the constellation Scorpius.
The nebula contains many proto-stars shielded by dark disks of gas, and young stars wrapped in expanding "cocoons" or expanding gases surrounding these small stars.
It is also known as the Lobster Nebula.

This nebula was also given the name War and Peace Nebula by the Midcourse Space Experiment scientists because of its appearance.
They said that in infrared images the bright, western part resembles a dove, while the eastern part looks like a skull. (WIKI)

This false color in Hubble mapping shows the inner structures of this nebula.
The frame is 1.5x1.5 degrees of the sky.

Imaged with the 16" f3.75 Dream Astrograph.
Apogee Alta U-16M camera.

S2 for 30 min (BIN 2)
O3 for 30 min (BIN 2)
Ha 70 min (BIN 1)
RGB 10 min per channel

Total of 2 hrs 40 min

Imaged from Tivoli farm in Namibia May 2015.

Apogee USB/Net
full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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