First prize ASA Astrofhoto contest |
 NGC 6188 Ha only |
 NGC 6165 6164 Bipolar |
 The Tarantula Nebula - NGC 2070 |
 The Tarantula nebula Ha only |
 The Monkey Head Nebula - Narrowband |
 The leaping Puma in the Rosette nebula |
 The leaping Puma in the Rosette nebula - Ha only |
 The leaping Puma in the Rosette nebula - comparisson |
 The great orion nebula - Hubble color mapped |
 Orion detail comparisson |
 Eta Carina's Northern ridge |
 NGC 1499 - The California nebula |
 The North America and Pelican nebulae Hubble mapping |
 The Dumbledore nebula |
 The Pacman nebula |
 The Pacman nebula - Hydrogen Alpha only |
 Eastern Veil nebula - Hubble pallate |
 Eastern Veil nebula - Hydrogen Alpha only |
 Eastern Veil nebula - Inverted Hydrogen Alpha |
 4 Panel comparison for the Veil |
 The Prawn nebula - Ha only |
 The Swan nebula |
 The Prawn nebula - Hubble color mapping |
 The Swan nebula - Hydrogen Alpha only |
 NGC 3576 |
 The Pillars of Creation - My version |
 Eta Carina - Keyhole nebula |
 The Trifid nebula - Hubble color mapped |
 The Trifid Nebula |
 Sharpless 171 |
 Sh-171 before and after |
 The Rosette nebula - Narrowband |
 The Elephants trunk - HA image |
 The Soap Bubble nebula in Cygnus |
 The Carina nebula -Hydrogen Alpha only |
 The Running chicken - IC 2944, 2948 |
 Bok globules in the Running chicken nebula |
 A closer look of the Bok globules in the Running chicken nebula |
 The Crescent Nebula |
 The Crescent Nebula - Hydrogen Alpha only |
 The Pelican Nebula |
 The Pelican Nebula - Hydrogen Alpha only |
 The Running Chicken WING (IC 2944) - Hydrogen Alpha only |
 The Running Chicken WING (IC 2944) - Hubble color mapping |
 The Running Chicken WING (IC 2944) - Comparison view |
 Inside the Running chicken nebula |
 The Elephant's Trunk |
 The Bubble Nebula |
 The Bubble nebula - a closer look |
 The Medusa Nebula |
 The Cave nebula - Hubble color mapping |
 The Cone nebula and Christmas tree cluster region |
 Christmas tree cluster - a closer look |
 NGC 1795 |
 IC 410 in Auriga |
 The California nebula Hubble color mapping |
 Horsehead nebula through a 4M telescope |
 Processing a giant |
 NGC 6604 region in Hubble color mapping |
 The standing bear |
 The Snail |
 The Coffee bean nebula - Hydrogen Alpha |
 The Coffee bean nebula - Hydrogen Alpha and color |
 Vela SNR - central part. |
 Eta Carina nebula |
 Deep into the Rosette nebula |
 Details in the Rosette nebula. |
 Deep in the Lagoon nebula |
 The Cat's paw nebula In Hubble color mapping |
 Sharpless - 308 in Canis Major |
 Sharpless - 308 in Canis Major - O3 only |
 Side by side comparisson |
 NGC 6357 |
 The War & Peace nebula - a closer look |
 NGC 7000 |
 NGC7000 cropped |
 Christmas tree region |
 The Cone nebula region - closeup |
 NGC 6188 |
 The Seagull nebula |
 Messier 8 and friends in Hubble color mapping |
 Messier 8 wide field Hydrogen Alpha image only |