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Sharpless 171

Sharpless 171, is a star-forming region some 3,000 light-years away in the royal constellation Cepheus.
It spans about 20 light-years across the nebula's bright central region.
It shows glow of emission from atomic gas using narrowband filters.
Powering the nebular glow are the young, hot stars of a newly formed cluster, Berkeley 59.

Imaged with Boren-Simon 10" F/2.8 POWERNEWT Astrograph.
SBIG ST8300M camera with FW5 filterwheel and BAADER LRGB filters.

L S2-Ha-O3 image (mapped to Hubble colors)
RGB for the stars

L = 60 minutes
RGB = 10 minutes each (BIN 2x2)
S2,O3 for 20 min Bin2
Ha for 80 min Bin 1
Total of 3Hrs 40 minutes.

Imaged from the NEGEV desert in ISRAEL

SBIG ST-8300 CCD Camera
full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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