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Sony Forums Challenges | all galleries >> Challenge 68: Openings (hosted by Irish Eye) >> Challenge 68 Exhibition Gallery > Cristina3*
by db.
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July 2002 db.

by db.

Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Canon PowerShot G2
1/160s f/2.2 at 7.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Sony Forums Challenges10-May-2004 09:55
You *are* following this person around, irish_eye; hence the title(s). I do like tryptics generally (as you can see in several of the stf, ctf and cslr challenges). Many thanks for taking the time to comment; I do apreciate a lot! — db.
Sony Forums Challenges09-May-2004 16:35
i feel like i am following this person around . I like this tryptic..The viewer is very involved ..irish_eye