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Sony Forums Challenges | all galleries >> Challenge 68: Openings (hosted by Irish Eye) >> Challenge 68 Exhibition Gallery > Cristina2*
by db.
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August 2001 db.

by db.

Wilna/Vilnius, Lithuania

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tomr-photos15-May-2004 23:54
A very striking image. Reminds me of something I saw years ago that was done by one of the Surrealist painters. – Tom
Sony Forums Challenges15-May-2004 14:39
db, I too like this one a lot, with the coat blowing in the wind. Nice double set of archways. Good idea of the triptych, where you're actually following this person around. Neat journey and photos. MFC
Sony Forums Challenges12-May-2004 22:23
I like the figure in the archway with the wind blowing her coat. Nice capture. Helen
Sony Forums Challenges09-May-2004 15:08
good catch of the silouetted figures blowing coat, as she goes through the open gate of the distressed archways..textural and good focal point..irish_eye