My initial Miscellaneous gallery was getting large and unwieldy but my propensity for producing pictures that do not easily fit focused galleries has not diminished. The only cure seems to be a second Miscellaneous gallery, so here it is.
Custom siding
Where paper comes from
Roadside art
Local industry
Morning Mist
A place of play
Anchor detail
Shelbourne detail
Urban renewal
Winter's art
Must be a pretty small membership
Local character
A service seldom seen
A home in the woods
Either way, it would appear that transportation is provided
The view from yet another hotel room
Morning perch
Special use door
The view from here
It's water!!
The Clocktower
Welcome to the New Year...
The corner
Weathered detail 4
Public Art
Advancing tide
Weathered detail 3
Early morning on the cat walk
Not picked for the team
Cold Detail
Sunday morning...the way it should be
Enough already!!
Monolith Part II
Our lady of sorrow chapel
The Monolith
Stretching the rules
Anchors away
Headless dreams
Urban feline
An interesting and heart touching installation
Do cats day dream?
The Market
Off season storage
Morning Flower
Some days you would just like to go where the wind blows