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Stacy Jon Peterson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> What's New! tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

What's New!

This is what I've been up to (as far as photography & pBase are concerned, anyway)!
This gallery idea is modeled after the fine work of Alan Grant. Thanks, Alan, for sharing how you did it!

Up[Date] Explanation
11 July 2008 Found time to peruse some old folders on my computer, and found a couple additional plant photos that hadn't been processed from last summer.  I need help identifying one -- some kind of orchid, I think.  The other is beach pea from Prince William Sound.
10 July 2008 Got creative and decided to pick out several of my "favorite" pictures for a "My Favorites" gallery.  Boy, that was tough!  I may have to cull it down some eventually, but for now see what you think...!  Also had time to go back through my Memorial Day Hummingbird Banding trip photos and pull out a few more that are worth sharing.  The first in this line is of a hummingbird feeding at a sapsucker well

For those wildflower buffs, I have posted two new pink flower pictures from Denali -- Moss Campion and Lapland Rosebay.  Both are very pretty flowers that my photos don't do justice!

Family will get a kick out of a "lost" picture I found from my 2007 trip to Idaho -- when Dad and I were sailing boats on the pond!  At one point our sailboat became basically inoperable out in the middle of the lake, but Dad skillfully and patiently maneuvered it to shore -- and discovered the reason!
9 July 2008 I found a close-up pic in my multi-hundred image set from Denali that looked pretty good.  I think you'll like this male ptarmigan's mug shot!  Aren't they absolutely amazing birds?!!
7 July 2008 With the purchase of another home in Wasilla, my old "New Home" gallery is no longer applicable.  So I decided to make a gallery for "Houses" to put pics of our rental and primary homes in Alaska.  This is just for kicks, primarily because our friends and family think we're nuts for buying houses like this ("but it was on sale!...").  And many of them haven't had a chance to visit us way up here and see what we're up to.  Enter pBase...!
7 July 2008 Flipping through some old pictures, I found another Northern Fulmar picture that I thought was interesting. This was from our September 2007 halibut fishing trip out of Seward. 
7 July 2008 A couple odd pictures were posted at the end of the Denali National Park gallery from Eddie's and my recent "Ptarmigan Shoot" trip.  And speaking of Ptarmigan Shooting, I processed a couple more Willow Ptarmigan chick pics from that trip and posted them in that gallery.  From this trip, I also added pics to the Great Horned Owl gallery, the Moose gallery, and another shot of Mt. McKinley itself.
5 July 2008 If you like military airshows, you may enjoy the recent additions to the Aircraft and Airshows gallery, which includes posts from the Arctic Thunder 2008 air show at Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska.  Highlights include several new pictures of the new F/A-22 Raptor fighter attack aircraft in action, and a gallery of the USAF Thunderbirds demonstration team.

Beach Pea
Beach Pea
Identify Me! (Orchid?)
Identify Me! (Orchid?)
Moss Campion
Moss Campion
Lapland Rosebay
Lapland Rosebay
There's Your Problem
There's Your Problem
Alternative Fuel
Alternative Fuel
My Favorites
[ My Favorites ]
[ Houses ]
Gambell's White-crowned Sparrow
Gambell's White-crowned Sparrow
Northern Fulmar
Northern Fulmar
Look Closely
Look Closely
Feed Me!
Feed Me!
Mamma's Eyes
Mamma's Eyes
Denali from South Viewpoint
Denali from South Viewpoint
Arctic Lousewort
Arctic Lousewort
USAF Thunderbirds
[ USAF Thunderbirds ]
C-17 Globemaster III
C-17 Globemaster III
Going Somewhere?
Going Somewhere?
Eagle River in background!
Eagle River in background!
Going Up
Going Up
Bomb bay!
Bomb bay!
Heritage Flight
Heritage Flight