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foto-baja-mex | all galleries >> Galleries >> Memorial One > red sky at nite.jpg
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red sky at nite.jpg

Nikon D300
1/100s f/4.0 at 52.0mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jack Hoying24-Nov-2008 03:38
Cool sky
Guest 14-Nov-2008 16:51
Great sunset photo!
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo14-Nov-2008 00:18
Fire in the sky! Beautiful!
Ruth Voorhis13-Nov-2008 23:09
This is a beauty, Byrle. Love that deep red.
Ann13-Nov-2008 22:40
Excellent image Byrle.
Guest 13-Nov-2008 07:33
Brilliant Bryle
Bea.13-Nov-2008 07:05
Wow Lynn, what an absolutely stunning sky. How lucky to see that.
Paul Milholland13-Nov-2008 04:03
Barry Ailetcher13-Nov-2008 03:44
Byrle outstanding photography
Patrick Hawkins13-Nov-2008 02:28
The power lines do distract from the photo, but that is what photoshop is for...
Rev. Kelly Todd13-Nov-2008 02:24
Byrle, a wonderful image, I only wish that the Power lines were not there! really nice.
fotabug13-Nov-2008 02:24
A beautiful sunset for sure
Laura Milholland13-Nov-2008 00:15
Looks like the clouds are on fire! Great shot, Byrle.
Roger Bailey12-Nov-2008 23:44
Great image, one nice sunset
Barry Ailetcher12-Nov-2008 23:01
Outstanding sunset
momad3004412-Nov-2008 22:52
Absolutely beautiful!

paplvr12-Nov-2008 22:50
Wow, what a sky! Linda S
Guest 12-Nov-2008 22:34
Red Sky at nite, sailors delight?
An awesome sky, great silhouetted trees. Hate the powerlines (sorry)
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