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foto-baja-mex | all galleries >> Galleries >> Memorial One > sunset the 18th.jpg
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sunset the 18th.jpg

Nikon D300
1/1000s f/16.0 at 140.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)12-Jun-2010 21:19
Beautiful work! Vote
Jack Hoying29-May-2009 01:22
Nice colorful sunset!
Peter Booker 28-May-2009 19:24
Byrle - beautifully framed with superb colours
foto-baja-mex28-May-2009 17:46
Thank you everyone.
Guest 28-May-2009 15:34
Excellent V
Guest 28-May-2009 12:30
lovely color and framing
Roger Bailey28-May-2009 11:49
A superb sunset, lovely orange.
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo28-May-2009 11:46
Glorious color and nice framing by the tree silhouettes.
Guest 28-May-2009 09:48
Great shot Byrle :-)
Guest 28-May-2009 07:53
It's a cracker! Beautifully framed by the trees.

Ann28-May-2009 06:51
WOW that is gorgeous Byrle. *v*
Guest 28-May-2009 05:59
Absolutely beautiful, Byrle. (Vote)
Bea.28-May-2009 05:45
A stunning set. Nicely taken.
fotabug28-May-2009 05:32
This is one outstanding sunset image
Guest 28-May-2009 03:45
Very nice Bryle
Paul Milholland28-May-2009 03:41
Good job on the exposure.
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