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foto-baja-mex | all galleries >> Galleries >> Memorial One > waxing.jpg
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Nikon D2h
1/125s f/11.0 at 400.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Barry Ailetcher01-Oct-2009 17:57
nice shot
Guest 01-Oct-2009 03:18
Very nice Bryle.
Cindy01-Oct-2009 01:28
Looking good despite the noise.
Ruth Voorhis30-Sep-2009 21:44
Nice image of the moon in spite of the noise.
Bea.30-Sep-2009 20:41
No problems with this one, nice catch.
Guest 30-Sep-2009 20:31
OPened well,good view.
Guest 30-Sep-2009 20:22
Very noisy, easily fixed with some post processing.
Mark Krauss30-Sep-2009 19:19
Nice, if noisy, image!
Nancy30-Sep-2009 19:03
Opened fine.
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