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Simon Poon | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Hong Kong tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Hong Kong

From British to China, colony to Special Administrative Region (SAR), prosperity to despair, the history of Hong Kong is so dramatic and nowhere has similar one. Its colonial background and Chinese culture are blended together to make Hong Kong unique. When you walk uphill from Central to Mid-Level, the first thing you discover will be the eye-catching skyscrapers and then colonial architecture standing besides small street. When you detour from downtown to countryside, you must be amazed that how near and easy to touch the natural beauty of Hong Kong.

This gallery is divided into 2 sections: (1) occassions/special events; (2) places. I hope my pictures could give you insight of my home - Hong Kong.

Christmas 2007
gallery: Christmas 2007
Chinese New Year Parade
gallery: Chinese New Year Parade
Lantern Festival
gallery: Lantern Festival
CLP Lights Up Hong Kong
gallery: CLP Lights Up Hong Kong
Flower Show
gallery: Flower Show
Sky Above My Head
gallery: Sky Above My Head
World Carnival
gallery: World Carnival
Tai O
gallery: Tai O
Tap Mun
gallery: Tap Mun
Lei Yue Mun
gallery: Lei Yue Mun
gallery: Stanley
Ocean Park
gallery: Ocean Park
Wong Tai Sin Temple
gallery: Wong Tai Sin Temple
Ma Wan
gallery: Ma Wan
gallery: Impression
gallery: Panorama