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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Miscellaneous >> My Photo-a-Day Gallery >> May '06 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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May '06

The end of my trip also marked the end of my Photo-a-Day gallery. One year, five months, and hardly any days missed. Hope you enjoyed it, and I'll try to continue posting regularly.

I've recently finished making my own website,, where a collection of my favourite photos are available for sale...or just have a browse if you like.
1/5/06 Yum
1/5/06 Yum
2/5/06 Christmas Colours
2/5/06 Christmas Colours
3/5/06 On the Surface
3/5/06 On the Surface
4/5/06 How Bizarre
4/5/06 How Bizarre
5/5/06 Tidy Thailand
5/5/06 Tidy Thailand
6/5/06 Gnashers
6/5/06 Gnashers
7/5/06 Scruffy Sparrow
7/5/06 Scruffy Sparrow
8/5/06 Little Rose
8/5/06 Little Rose
9/5/06 Dainty Bloom
9/5/06 Dainty Bloom
10/5/06 Building Work
10/5/06 Building Work
11/5/06 Sleeping it Off
11/5/06 Sleeping it Off
12/5/06 Raining
12/5/06 Raining
13/5/06 Welding
13/5/06 Welding
14/5/06 Think its Going to Rain...Again!
14/5/06 Think its Going to Rain...Again!
15/5/06 Going Home
15/5/06 Going Home