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December's PaD

For the first time since April, I have spent the whole of the month in the same country: India.

Prints of some of my photos are now available for sale at my very own website Serenity Photography, or alternatively contact me direct at You can keep abreast of my travels by visiting my website. Enjoy.
01/12/05 Worried Monkey
01/12/05 Worried Monkey
2/12/05 Street Kids
2/12/05 Street Kids
3/12/05 Mmmm Lassi
3/12/05 Mmmm Lassi
4/12/05 Cow Amongst the Pigeons
4/12/05 Cow Amongst the Pigeons
5/12/05 Fly Your Kite
5/12/05 Fly Your Kite
6/12/05 Gathered for Sunset
6/12/05 Gathered for Sunset
7/12/05 On the Rooftops
7/12/05 On the Rooftops
9/12/05 Thats How Cold I've Been!
9/12/05 Thats How Cold I've Been!
10/12/05 Train Invasion
10/12/05 Train Invasion
11/12/05 Whatever Happened to Rikki-Tikki-Tavi...?
11/12/05 Whatever Happened to Rikki-Tikki-Tavi...?
12/12/05 Where'd the Road Go??
12/12/05 Where'd the Road Go??
13/12/05 It's Time We Made Up
13/12/05 It's Time We Made Up
14/12/05 Prickly Situation
14/12/05 Prickly Situation
16/12/05 Palm Trees in the Moonlight
16/12/05 Palm Trees in the Moonlight
17/12/05 Periyar in the Morning
17/12/05 Periyar in the Morning
18/12/05 Tiny Bees
18/12/05 Tiny Bees
19/12/05 Sitting
19/12/05 Sitting
20/12/05 The Backwaters
20/12/05 The Backwaters
21/12/05 Colour Co-ordination
21/12/05 Colour Co-ordination
22/12/05 Christmas Star
22/12/05 Christmas Star
23/12/05 Nice Place for Christmas
23/12/05 Nice Place for Christmas
24/12/05 Away in a Manger
24/12/05 Away in a Manger
25/12/05 Christmas Day on the Beach
25/12/05 Christmas Day on the Beach
26/12/05 One Year On
26/12/05 One Year On
27/12/05 Sunset Sea
27/12/05 Sunset Sea
28/12/05 Peek-a-Boo
28/12/05 Peek-a-Boo
29/12/05 Non-Veg
29/12/05 Non-Veg
30/12/05 Landing
30/12/05 Landing
31/12/05 Icarus
31/12/05 Icarus