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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Miscellaneous >> My Photo-a-Day Gallery >> March '06 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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March '06

Another month in India, probably the most photogenic country in the world.

certainly while I'm away, at least.

Prints of some of my photos are now available for sale at my very own website Serenity Photography, or alternatively contact me direct at You can keep abreast of my travels by visiting my website. Enjoy.
1/3/06 Cool Tunnel
1/3/06 Cool Tunnel
2/3/06 Overtaking
2/3/06 Overtaking
3/3/06 The Round House
3/3/06 The Round House
4/3/06 Scary Monster
4/3/06 Scary Monster
5/3/06 Blacksmith
5/3/06 Blacksmith
6/3/06 Station Scene
6/3/06 Station Scene
7/3/06 Varanasi Bomb Blast
7/3/06 Varanasi Bomb Blast
8/3/06 Room Mate
8/3/06 Room Mate
9/3/06 In  The Footsteps of the Buddha
9/3/06 In The Footsteps of the Buddha
10/3/06 Who Needs a Hod
10/3/06 Who Needs a Hod
11/3/06 Smoking
11/3/06 Smoking
12/3/06 Hanging on the Hose
12/3/06 Hanging on the Hose
13/3/06 Feeling Fruity
13/3/06 Feeling Fruity
14/3/06 Cheap T-Shirts for Holi
14/3/06 Cheap T-Shirts for Holi
15/3/06 Happy Holi
15/3/06 Happy Holi
16/3/06 Holi Continues
16/3/06 Holi Continues
17/3/06 Reptile Porn
17/3/06 Reptile Porn
18/3/06 Sailing at Sunrise
18/3/06 Sailing at Sunrise
19/3/06 Give us a Kiss
19/3/06 Give us a Kiss
20/3/06 My Parcel Home
20/3/06 My Parcel Home
21/3/06 White Guy on a Bike
21/3/06 White Guy on a Bike
22/3/06 Save Our River!
22/3/06 Save Our River!
23/3/06 A VIP - apparently
23/3/06 A VIP - apparently
24/3/06 Caught in the Act
24/3/06 Caught in the Act
25/3/06 Donkeys at Work
25/3/06 Donkeys at Work
26/3/06 Toy Train
26/3/06 Toy Train
27/3/06 Bring Back Sonia
27/3/06 Bring Back Sonia
28/3/06 Yak Off
28/3/06 Yak Off
29/3/06 Serenity
29/3/06 Serenity
30/3/06 Guarding the Golden Temple
30/3/06 Guarding the Golden Temple
31/3/06 Disgusting and Expensive
31/3/06 Disgusting and Expensive