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Serena Bowles | profile | all galleries >> Travel >> South East Asia and India 2005-06 >> Thailand Revisited >> Kanchanaburi tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bangkok | Kanchanaburi | Tiger Temple | Death Railway | Chiang Mai | Chiang Rai | Mae Sot | Mini-Trek From Kanchanaburi | Floating Market at Damoen Saduk | Sukothai | The Train to Ayuthaya | Ayuthaya | For Sale in Thailand | Flora and Fauna in Thailand


Some pictures of Kanchanaburi, and my journey there by train from Bangkok.

You can see Natalie's photos of her trip to Thailand here.

Some of my photos are now available to buy in a variety of sizes and finishes, or as digital files, at Serenity Photography.

You can keep abreast of my travels by visiting my website.

Pissing it Down!
Pissing it Down!
The Bridge
The Bridge
Rain, Rain, Sugar Cane
Rain, Rain, Sugar Cane
The Setting Sun
The Setting Sun
Jolly Frog
Jolly Frog
Jumping Fishy
Jumping Fishy
Across the River
Across the River
Crossing the Bridge
Crossing the Bridge
Cow Herd
Cow Herd
Early Morning in the Jolly Frog
Early Morning in the Jolly Frog
Hot Dog Cools Down
Hot Dog Cools Down
Riverside Pagoda
Riverside Pagoda
It Must be True
It Must be True
Lovely Lily
Lovely Lily
Japanese Train
Japanese Train
The Train to Kanchanaburi
The Train to Kanchanaburi
From the Bridge
From the Bridge
Waiting for the Train
Waiting for the Train
What is it Good For?
What is it Good For?
Under the Bridge
Under the Bridge
Working in the Fields
Working in the Fields
In Amongst It
In Amongst It
Sitting Pretty
Sitting Pretty
Sunset on the River
Sunset on the River
Tending the Graves
Tending the Graves
War Cemetery
War Cemetery