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Scott Browne | all galleries >> Galleries >> Your Favorites > SP-ilhouette
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This is my tip o' the hat to everyone else who is playing around with silhouettes for today's Friday SP fun.

Johnny JAG
Scott C.

Critiques and constructive criticism are welcomed. Leave a private comment if you don't want to leave a public one.

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Guest 03-Dec-2008 01:05
Guest 26-Jun-2008 02:09
out of everything that you have posted...and all the unique and wonderful ideas you've come up with, this is my most favorite. It's just very striking.
Dan Chusid10-Jun-2008 20:40
Just needs Emma Peel in the background!
BleuEvanescence29-Feb-2008 03:46
The most original SP i have ever seen
and a very beautiful silhouette, love the delicate light...
Craig Persel16-Jan-2008 23:47
Clockwork Orange? :-)
mojoflowerchick14-Jan-2008 18:41
love the backlight.. great sp... great hat.. ;)
Nicki Thurgar13-Jan-2008 20:12
Fabulous Scottouette!!
J. Scott Coile13-Jan-2008 03:13
Tops! Just found it. Added. Bravo Scott.
Michael Shpuntov13-Jan-2008 01:10
Very stylish and classic SP Scott. Love the silhouette style here. Vote
Guest 12-Jan-2008 22:06
Fantastic sp!
Phillip Normanton12-Jan-2008 15:50
Excellent, just the right hint of light here too :)
laine8212-Jan-2008 15:29
Puttin on the ritz, Scott...great shot.
monil12-Jan-2008 14:59
Excellent composition and very good portrait.
Faye White12-Jan-2008 11:16
awesome! I love that there is some light on your face
Johnny JAG12-Jan-2008 09:04
Superb silly wet.
beverley harrison12-Jan-2008 09:03
this as always is excellently excecuted...and you look pretty cute too...i'm sure all the girls will agree!! ;)
Lee Rudd12-Jan-2008 08:28
Top o the morning to you!
Guest 12-Jan-2008 06:09
Excellent silhouette with just a slight hint of the face. Wonderful composition. Exceptional work. Vote
B12-Jan-2008 05:42
Lovely as always. I really love this simplistic take.
Winter2712-Jan-2008 05:10
SP? While I didn't know about that, this shot is fabulous! You're totally born in the wrong time.
s_barbour12-Jan-2008 04:41
Awesome silhouette Scott, well done! vote~