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All Cameras >> Sony >> Sony DSLR-A100

Sony DSLR-A100 SLR Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 05-Jun-2006
Lens Mount: Alpha
Megapixels: 10
Random Sony DSLR-A100 Samples from 74250 available Photos more
g1/08/808708/3/129769795.vSvkkX4u.jpg g3/31/662131/3/95397162.dGRNrl1Z.jpg g3/92/16792/3/89410130.3NSzVOMy.jpg g9/12/744212/3/152125283.ktWb7CdH.jpg
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blizzard15-Feb-2009 19:50
My son purchased this camera USED from his Boss a graphic designer for a very cheap price,( his Boss purchased a A700 and Now has a A900) I was was doubtful at first. well its seen lots of action since than then an shown us some truly excellent photos
not so hot over 5 or 6 hundred ISO. Low light and the anti blur system is very impressive
I think it is better the the VR system on my Nikon lens, and a great sensor cleaning system
Guest 28-Jan-2008 11:29
I don't know what makes a "Professional Digital SLR Camera." But hey, I am a professional photographer (by virture of my profession - a photographer and a photography instructor). And I do use the SONY Alpha-100... such a great camera! See some of my works here...
Guest 15-Jan-2008 14:07
New List
Professional Digital SLR Camera
1. Nikon D3
2. Nikon D2Xs
3. Canon 1Ds Mark 3
4. Canon 1D Mark 3

Semi Professional Digital SLR Camera
1. Nikon D300
2. Nikon D200
3. Canon 5D
4. Canon 40D
5. Pentax K10D
6. Fuji S5 Pro
7. Canon 30D
8. Nikon D80
9. Nikon D40x
10. Canon 400D
Guest 14-May-2007 12:08
the sony A100 is a fine camera.
I chose it over the canon rebel and nikon 40 and I quite enjoy it (as im sure those who own the latter 2 enjoy what they have) As for the unusable photos at high iso's...well I dont shoot at night nor did I when I owned a film camera years back. True, its not bad to have that option there...but to say that you will suffer from it is a far cry - but it truly depends on your desire. At the low end there is not an all out 'winner' - they all have 'bad' points to them. :-)

Also the comment of ugly photos...there are a lot more people that have loaded galleries over the years with shots from canon and nikon...and the nice galleries are from 'pro' photographers. Get a pro behind an alpha and you will have a good photo...period.

I have enjoyed playing with the alpha the past week since I got it. It is my first digital camera.
In a way, I guess you could say its point and shoot - and frankly, at this time, Im happy for the extra modes that are has insprired me to learn more about the camera. (yes canon has these features, I suppose, to some extent to.)

And as for price, I found it cheaper than the Nikon and canon 400d and priced the same as the 350 (one of the media markts in Hungary...)

Guest 23-Dec-2006 08:22
No matter what they say the A100 is just a P&S iso 100-400 camera, look by yourself totally ugy and unusable photos.

Sony has a good marketing and its selling the camera knowing its unusable at high isos.
Positive Image Photography03-Oct-2006 04:09
I needed a 2nd DSLR body, and because I'm a KMD5D user, the Sony Alpha was an obvious choice. Bought the body only, retained all the lenses I used before. The Super Steady Shots seems to work a slight bit better (I think?) than the D5D. However, noise is a bit of a concern. So night shots I still rely more on my D5D. But for day shots, I really appreciate the extended dynamic range of the Alpha-100.

Yet to test it out extensively under true working conditions, but here are some shots from an outing recently. This was only my 2nd time using the camera for "real".
(This is in Singapore)
Guest 24-Aug-2006 14:46
I've been noticing some very positive, quite glowing, reviews of this new digital SLR camera from Sony - especially an extremely enthusiastic preview from Popular Photography - which is not merely a modest upgrade from the Konica Minolta Maxxum SLRs, that were produced by Minolta for approximately twenty years, until Konica Minolta sold this system to Sony. One of the new camera's best features is the option to use image stabilizing for each lens, since it is built into the camera body, instead of on some expensive optics only, as is the case with those from Canon and Nikon (Speaking of which, Minolta had produced lenses of similar high quality for its Maxxum cameras; most, if not all, of these will be revived for the Sony Alpha digital SLR.). Another excellent feature is the better ergonomics, with the camera's control knobs and buttons bigger and easier to handle, than on previous Maxxum cameras. Last, but not least, there is the promise of new superb-quality lenses from Carl Zeiss, manufactured by Sony under strict Zeiss quality control (This is apparently the case with Sony's numerous Cybershot digital cameras, especially with the more expensive models, which include elaborate Zeiss Vario-Tessar and Vario-Sonnar zoom lenses featuring Zeiss T* multicoating.); the first three lenses in this Zeiss Alpha line should be available to customers by year's end (One of these lenses is a fast, brand-new 135mm f1.8 Sonnar lens.). Those interested in a quality digital SLR should consider seriously the Sony Alpha A100K 10.2 MP Digital SLR, with an accompanying 18-70mm f3.5-5.6 Sony Alpha lens which should be useful for many photographic applications from wideangle to telephoto photography.

Next Review:

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Guest 25-Jul-2006 00:54
Pictures of the Box Here:

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