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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges > Belleek porcelain
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16-FEB-2008 Ruth Voorhis

Belleek porcelain

Treasures from Ireland

Nikon D300 ,105mm f2.8G IF-ED AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor
1/30s f/3.0 at 105.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
IMRAN HAFEEZ28-Feb-2008 03:19
a beautiful composition, nice light and colors.
fotabug21-Feb-2008 19:16
Wonderful image, Ruth. You and the lens both performed so well.
Guest 19-Feb-2008 06:00
I am extremely impressed! No behind shadows and a really great lighting for a perfect photo in every way! Terrific job!
jpat18-Feb-2008 22:54
Really nice with soft light - and a pleasant set up.
Anita18-Feb-2008 04:51
What a wonderful image - great lighting and composition!
Bea.18-Feb-2008 02:09
A very elegant result.
Laura Milholland17-Feb-2008 21:48
Wonderful shot, Ruth. You did a great job. And I LOVE your pieces! I have always been drawn to Belleek.
Guest 17-Feb-2008 21:48
Very nice color and clarity.
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo17-Feb-2008 12:48
Beautifully done. The subjects are interesting (and lovely) The exposure/lighting, color and detail are excellent. Would love to see this with the dried flower arrangement not cut off.
Ann17-Feb-2008 10:48
Beautiful Ruth. Looks like you have got to grips with the Micro lens already, Well Done.
Guest 17-Feb-2008 05:04
Beautiful Ruth, lovely lighting and composition
Guest 17-Feb-2008 00:30
Gorgeous! This is just a great white composition. I especially love the color and the green.
Guest 16-Feb-2008 23:06
Beautiful composition, and the white is just right, not blown. You did a fine job,Ruth, even got the shine on the Belleek.
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