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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges > Dog and Jars
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11-MAR-2008 Ruth Voorhis

Dog and Jars

Containers for household matches that belonged to my husband's great-grandfather in Indiana USA.

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor Micro AF-S 105mm 2.8G ED VR
1/30s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
IMRAN HAFEEZ25-Apr-2008 19:58
very nicely done, a beautiful macro shot very detailed
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo13-Mar-2008 14:35
Beautifully done. This looks like a vizsla!
Guest 13-Mar-2008 07:28
Nicely done Ruth
DB Hans12-Mar-2008 23:09
Very nice, a good still life.
Anita12-Mar-2008 23:04
Great lighting and composition, Ruth. I like the contrast in color and texture between the vessels and the dog.
Ann12-Mar-2008 21:18
Lovely pieces Ruth beautifully presented.
Jack Hoying12-Mar-2008 11:51
Nicely shot. That's a great piece of art. The coon dog has his ear on the ears!
Paul Milholland12-Mar-2008 05:47
Almost looks like he's scratching his right ear against the jar. . . . ;)
Laura Milholland12-Mar-2008 05:44
Oh, I love the piece, Ruth. Great job shooting it too.
Bea.12-Mar-2008 03:45
Great shot Ruth. That looks quite an old treasure.
Guest 12-Mar-2008 01:40
Beautifully taken but the background is too busy
jpat12-Mar-2008 00:02
Now that's an idea - clever idea - great shot
paplvr12-Mar-2008 00:01
Congrats and welcome back. Very nice lighting on these items Ruth. Linda S
fotabug11-Mar-2008 23:03
Wow, you are already getting superb results with the D300, Ruth. Very nice piece. Must be worth something
Guest 11-Mar-2008 22:34
good composition placing the dog in the middle as though it was running through them.
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