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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges > Needlepoint
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07-FEB-2008 Ruth Voorhis


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Canon-300D10-Feb-2008 05:43
The needlepoint is beautiful and you captured it very well. Good job to both of you.
Guest 09-Feb-2008 19:13
Congratulate your daughter in law on a job well done and pat yourself on the back for a great job of photographing it. I used to do that but now my eyes can't take it. That's what happens when you get old. :)
jpat09-Feb-2008 14:21
Good photo
Guest 09-Feb-2008 03:10
Well done Ruth, we call them Tapestries here in NZ.
Ann08-Feb-2008 10:57
Beautiful picture, you can see every stitch also lovely needlework.
Laura Milholland08-Feb-2008 04:27
She did a wonderful job on this, and so did you!
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo08-Feb-2008 03:54
Wonderful correction of the WB! Now it is picture perfect!
Bea.08-Feb-2008 02:42
Excellent shot of this beautiful work of art.
Guest 08-Feb-2008 02:12
Excellent shot Ruth, it fits the bill well :-)
fotabug08-Feb-2008 01:55
Very nice needlepoint and a fine photo too
Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo08-Feb-2008 00:32
Lovely needlepoint. Nice use of the natural frame. Is the white balance correct - there seems to be a yellowish tinge to the image.
Guest 07-Feb-2008 23:50
very prettily shot. It really stands out.
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