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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Riverbank Park > Reeds and River View
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15-JUN-2015 Ruth Voorhis

Reeds and River View

Nikon D810 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/160s f/14.0 at 52.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ann28-Oct-2015 19:05
Very beautiful capture Ruth. Love the reflections in the still water and the reeds, my kind of scene. *v*
Paul Milholland27-Oct-2015 01:02
It is an appealing scene.
parrothouse26-Oct-2015 23:06
Pretty scene, nice area.
Ed Duverger26-Oct-2015 17:22
As if you painted it.So very beautiful.
paplvr26-Oct-2015 04:38
Really lovely Ruth. So many layers and elements. Linda S
Bea.26-Oct-2015 02:07
A lovely shot Ruth, pretty sky and reflections.
Roger Bailey25-Oct-2015 22:28
Nice to see a summer image,now that the leaves are falling. Clocks went back last night!
fotabug25-Oct-2015 21:45
Beautiful summer scene, Ruth!
John Shen Photography25-Oct-2015 18:04
Ahhh.. beautiful scenery and perspectives! ..and a nice touch of reflections.. :)
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