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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Riverbank Park > The Beauty of Summer
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15-JUN-2015 Ruth Voorhis

The Beauty of Summer

Nikon D810 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/160s f/18.0 at 31.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
joseantonio25-Oct-2015 05:05
gorgeous image lovely composed.V
Walt 17-Jun-2015 23:56
what a rainbow of color!
Sheila 17-Jun-2015 20:46
Wow, Ruth! Gorgeous sky and bright, eye catching colors!
John Shen Photography17-Jun-2015 18:22
Wow, super gorgeous! ..the flowers and clouds are amazing! :)
Ann17-Jun-2015 10:02
Wow,such a beautiful, inviting scene Ruth, excellent. *v*
Paul Milholland16-Jun-2015 23:07
Found yourself a bunch of colors with this shot. ;-)
Laura Milholland16-Jun-2015 22:46
Oh so delightful, Ruth! Beautifully shot.
Barry Ailetcher16-Jun-2015 21:57
super shot
Bea.16-Jun-2015 21:18
A gorgeous shot Ruth. Definitely shows the beauty of Summer.
Ed Duverger16-Jun-2015 20:46
Super shot of a perfect day.
fotabug16-Jun-2015 19:48
Wow, what a gorgeous scene!
graham detonator 16-Jun-2015 18:25
super shot
parrothouse16-Jun-2015 18:07
Very pretty scene
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