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Ruth Voorhis | all galleries >> Galleries >> Winnipeg, Manitoba > Entrance Hall Arch
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16-MAR-2010 Ruth Voorhis

Entrance Hall Arch

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Jack Hoying31-Mar-2010 02:50
Wow, that's an excellent image! Great composition.
Guest 28-Mar-2010 21:49
Looks great Ruth! I never once been to Winnipeg or Manitoba for that matter.
Paul Milholland27-Mar-2010 21:50
Canadians have had a knack over the years for spectacular public buildings.
Virginia Craig27-Mar-2010 21:27
RUTH, this is beautiful....great shot! good work!
Larry Hill27-Mar-2010 20:19
Very nicely done!
Laura Milholland27-Mar-2010 17:25
Excellent image, and a very pretty place.
Ed Duverger27-Mar-2010 15:35
Sharp,good clarity,perfect symmetry.As if I was there.Excellent.
Ann27-Mar-2010 10:55
Excellent, Ruth.
fotabug27-Mar-2010 01:48
Superb! Great job, with wonderful framing and composition.
Bea.26-Mar-2010 23:44
Beautiful shot ruth, a very impressive entrance.
Roger Bailey26-Mar-2010 22:40
Stunning entrance hall arch, what did the sign say - No Photography!!
Barry Ailetcher26-Mar-2010 19:05
very well done image Ruth
Guest 26-Mar-2010 17:27
Outstanding exposure and composition.
Guest 26-Mar-2010 17:13
Really nice image, well composed, excellent color and clarity.
paplvr26-Mar-2010 17:04
Oh my thats Gorgeous! Fabulous POV and DOF and . . . Linda S
Rev. Kelly Todd26-Mar-2010 17:02
beautiful image Ruth, and beautifully shot!
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